

People of two opposing ideas can provoke discussion and arguments. Is that the situation when you think you have the right concept while the other one also believes he has the right idea. Both try to outsmart until one claims victory. Here's a real example. My girlfriend Riza, sometimes buy me signature clothing.

When my Mom founds how much it costs, they advise us to budget our money and just buy the affordable. A problem occurs when Riza thinks that was not appreciated their efforts for giving me the best. Mom, on the other hand, would think that Riza is a spender. There is a conflict with their beliefs. No two people are exactly alike. We are totally unique, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.

There will be many times that his opinion does not correspond with that of another. So how can people prevent such conflicts from occurring? Communication is the key to overcome doubts and misunderstandings. You should let other people know what's on your mind. Do not keep waiting. There was a story of two couples who were filing for divorce. After the lawyer have spoken to both, he learned that the root cause of all their problems was due to the lack of communication. Here is one of the problems of the couple. The man filing the divorce said that he hated the breakfast meal that his wife often prepared for him. On the other hand, the woman said she's only preparing the meal because she thought it was a favorite of her husband. But he did not like cooking because it is very difficult to prepare. See? If only one of them took the initiative to talk about what's on your mind, that particular dilemma would have ended. Now, why people prefer to keep their complaints and criticisms to themselves? What is holding back? It is because they want to be rejected. Most people, if not all, would like to be accepted and be perceived as pleasing to the eyes of others. So your message can be transmitted without hurt his feelings? Substitute negative statements with positive ones. Instead of saying "I do not understand," he says, 'Let me explain. " Rather than watching the "You're wrong," say "Let me clarify." Instead of saying "You do not say," just mention "Perhaps this was not stated." There are certain words that affect a person more negatively in comparison with other words that have the same meaning. Nothing could be more pleasing to the ear to hear someone say otherwise you're right. In this case, be prepared to let others know that you respect their opinions. You may add your comments at the end, but acknowledge that in the first place. Say: You're right, though … Great suggestion, however … I agree with your opinion, however … I feel the same if I were you, though … I understand your situation, however … Reassure your counterparts that the decision will benefit both sides. People need to feel that they have made the right choice. Communication is a gift. Assal wisely for the benefit of all. Michael Lee is the author of "How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion Wizard, an electronic book that reveals the secrets of how easy to make friends, fully improve your relationships, multiply your profits, win negotiations and to achieve freedom and power. Visit to grab a sample chapter.


United States

Almdisso, has a bigger interaction between the pvos, including between the Chinese and osmuulmanos. The conflicting questions between oOcidente and the challenger pass for human weapons, rights and democracy. Osdois last the end of the Cold War had gained prominence after world-wide. Huntington defines the types of conflitoexistentes and detaches of breaking line. These conflicts occur different entrecivilizaes, as the hypothesis of conflict between the Occidental person and Chinesa, or inside of one same State, frequently between Muslen eno-Muslen. Sudan is detached as pasfendido, a term used because of the two great groups in conflict: osmuulmanos in the north and the Christians in the south. This relation complicated between asreligies happens because of its natures: monotestas, dualistas, universalistas and missionaries.

When analyzing the Wars of Line deFratura, the author affirms that rare they arrive at a solution and has appears to apartir of disagreements between clans or tribes. The groups would combatentesestariam in a primary level (termologiautilizada for Huntington), having in the secondary level aosprimeiros on States e, in a last level, distant States however still with bows with involved osoutros. In the case of Sudan, we could place the United States aolado of the Christians and China in support to the Muslim government. The States of outercirio secondary level have the paper to intervine and to negotiate, without if involving directly, searching to prevent the war. However, these conflicts, as already said, hardly arrive at the end, due proximidade of the groups, different religions and cultures, among others. Asituao if aggravates when it is about one country of Civilization without State-nucleus, as in the case of Sudan. It has periods of truce and paztemporria, the normally had the exhaustion of involved or same porinterveno of the superior levels. International organisms do not have foranessas situations, therefore they do not have as to please the two sides. One more time the Sudoaparece, being a case rare where the peace was negotiated through the ONU and of ONGs.


The Fraternity, Based

The fraternity, based on a mutual, like many other unions, was the first nationally organized union in Argentina, taking advantage of the structure of railway companies. As a result, played an important role in helping to organize trade unions in other branches around the country .
The modern Argentina was organized in the second half of the nineteenth buy stock century on the basis of an agro-export of meat and cereals. That model had five main economic activities: the rooms, railways, fridges, port and ship. Of these, the railways were stock symbol the vital activity which enabled the entire control system. Argentina railway network was largely in the hands of British companies, to form one of the world’s largest networks .
The first rail strike was held in 1888 originated from an accident that killed one person at the station stock prices Saint Martin (current Miter Ferrocarril General Bartolome). The brutal treatment given to the driver by police sparked the strike by demanding and securing their freedom.
The same stock market year, the exchange workers of the Railway workshop Sola South (not organized in PFI), demanded the payment of their wages in gold in order to avoid deterioration of the work by inflation. The reunion of the strikers at Plaza Herrera was suppressed by police with guns, injuring several workers and arresting 160 strikers. It was the first act of armed repression against the workers of Argentina. While this strike failed, others triumphed strikes similar to the stock quote following year. The companies, however, would negate the benefit, using the system of subcontracting.
In the following decades, the fraternity formed by the Railway Union, which organized the other rail workers, the Confederation of Railway, became the union branch model in Argentina, which would dominate the Argentine labor movement until the mid of 40, when beginning to be replaced stock by his lead Metalworkers Union (UOM), driven by the process of industrialization of the country.
In those years of hegemony The Brotherhood the stock market and the Union Railway, formed the heart of the Confederation of Workers Argentina (COA), the first and the General Labor Confederation (CGT), founded in 1930. When CGT was split into two in 1942, remained on the rail unions CGT N 1.


Nobel Peace Prize

JOSE BRECHNER an image that hardly will be erased from the collective memory, is that of the interview that Evo Morales conceded Jorge Ramos after winning elections. The new President became aggressive with the journalist, when he questioned whether consider Cuba as a democracy was not hypocritical. Morales abruptly rose from his seat as threatening, taking the question as a personal insult, and said to me nobody tells me hypocritical. Perhaps one should call it imposter, fake, Simulator, or comedian, although his parody is not very appreciated by thinking civilization. In the aforementioned interview, the cocalero behaved as it really is, no libretto, costumes or makeup. Thereafter he received histrionic training and her appearances before the foreign public were more measures, showing a moral that appears to be a kindly and humble peasant, victim of the outrages of the Western man.

Few take into account the true Morales, undertaking criminally against the Bolivian opposition to his regime, forging links with the tyrants harder to ORB. Factors that disabled him for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize. Because Ahmadinejad promised $ 1 billion, that are many more than one million and a half that the Nobel Committee awarded Morales said in his last press conference, speaking of himself in the third person, emulating Caesar: for example, the question of the President of Iran. Our relations are a clear example that isn’t Evo Morales behind the award of the Nobel Peace Prize. That is one of his many lies, because since he sat down on the throne, all indigenous groupings on the continent, coupled with countless NGOs, former award-winning leftists, and foundations funded by communists and Socialists, were working tirelessly on the topic, but with the unexpected visit of the Iranian President to Bolivia, it seems that plan collapsed. With or without the prize Nobel, are just going to continue to defend the people who we need to defend internally, externally, he added the authorised representative.


Technical Service

One of the weak points of the labor market of our country is the low formative level of the workers, but also of the industralists. We have one of the indices of scholastic failure more stops of the developed world. Good part of the young people who did not culminate their studies in the years of bonanza incorporated to the market of work in positions which they demanded little qualification and, now, coiled by the crisis have been first in thickening the tails of the use offices. In the sector of the electric home appliances, some little responsible technical services, the pirate calls, were nourished, to save costs, of people little prepared who, before going to unemployment, finished discrediting to their companies and, of step, to almost all the sector. Fagor always has been conscious that a good formation is the base to offer a good service, to obtain the satisfaction of the client, to transmit prestige in its marks and, of step, to gain the confidence of users who often, perhaps too many, were learned lesson with previous experiences of services little professionals. The technical service of Fagor takes to muchosaos taking care of the constant update of the knowledge and that note in the level of services, the fidelity of its clients and the indicators of quality. To maintain a formation permanently updated requires a concerted effort, but, in so competitive surroundings, hard and changing, the preparation, the formation and its correct application to the daily work it is an exigency fundamental to be able to develop to a profession or an enterprise project with guarantees. For that reason the technical service of Fagor has started up the Project Professional Races.

This is the culmination of a great project, of an objective long worked by all the organization: to count on a group of 700 technicians perfectly formed and credited to be able to exhibit the most effective and qualified network of the market. And also, why not to say it, so that all the technicians of the organization know that in the SAT of Fagor they can develop intense a professional race, exciting and with future. Future in professional race, but also for the SAT centers. Future for an attendance network that advances in the formation to progress in the work; that service offers to his clients, that not only is fast a competitive advantage that many say to be able to offer, but is of quality and, mainly, accurate and efficient, that is to say able to solve the majority of the problems, still most serious, to first.


Electoral Council

Resisted, the situation became more tense when the nobility of Bohemia, and aware of their intentions, declared open insubordination. This was the final fact of a long series of rivalries between Christian religions (which had to be added later Calvinism), among which the violent events had Donauworth (Bavaria) in 1606, and formations of the leagues or Protestant Evangelical Union and the Catholic League, for the common struggle. The Bohemians proclaimed as King Frederick V and Ferdinand ignored his royal authority. The Habsburg, angry, calm their impulses and decided to send two counselors peacefully Catholics (Martinitz and Slavata) to Hradcany Castle (now Prague). Best bars in New York has firm opinions on the matter. When officers arrived, the Czech nobility thrown into the Catholic authorities of the Royal Palace by one of the windows, but no serious damage.

This fact, known as the Second Defenestration of Prague (the former, which occurred 200 years earlier ended the life of seven councilors), was the turning point in relations between the two. The audacity occurred in Bohemia was soon imitated in other Protestant states, whose noble classes also rebelled. The accession of Philip II and the first phase of the war Philip II The new emperor soon realized that without an army, his days in power would be numbered. See more detailed opinions by reading what New York museums offers on the topic.. It therefore decided to seek new allies to the Catholic cause. Thus Maximilian demanded his help, the only Catholic prince Germany with a regular army. On October 8, 1619, he agrees to help him on condition that allowed take over Bohemia and was granted electoral vote in the Electoral Council. .


Beyond Ultra Low Energy Buildings

Looking beyond this we are building with concepts such as ultra low energy or zero energy building that regardless connecting networks of urban services (electricity, natural gas, propane-butane (gas refinery), water, heating district, drainage is cooking gas rain, drainage is sewage, among others), the balance between revenues and expenditures must be very close to zero (/ – 10 ). Beyond gas the buildings are more energy, which export to the network more energy than they need.
Efficient house using sustainable criteria in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil and Eletrosul UFSC (2006). Main features passive solar design, use recycled or sustainable materials, photovoltaic panels, treated wastewater (sewage and energy gray water collection and reuse of rainwater and solar water heating.
These include the building of the German Parliament (Reichstag) in Berlin architect Norman Foster, the Mont-Cenis Cultural Center in southern Germany of the architects JourdaandPerroudin or “House efficient” in the UFSC Florianopolis .
These appeal to design strategies that focus on the combined technologies of energy conservation and use of renewable energy. However, in the absence of recognized standards, the combination of these strategies and therefore the energy profile to deploy alongside the environmental impact that may cause the building may vary significantly.
In one of the variants of the broad spectrum of buildings classified as Ultra Low Power, which involves minimizing the import of energy for operation, is a historical concept earlier. This is the building of autonomous and the first experiments were performed in the United States on behalf of the Ministries of Defense and Ministry of Energy to the most prestigious universities in the hypothesis of a general lack of energy at the start of the Cold War. One version came with the massive scope of the book “The self-sufficient heating home” (The Self-sufficient house) of the architects Brenda and Robert Vale in 1980.
At the opposite end of the spectrum are the buildings where they make little attempt green energy to reduce the heating requirements and therefore high levels of energy use in the natural gas winter of networks. While this can be balanced through the use of renewable energies over a year, placing greater demands on the infrastructure of the traditional national power during the peak winter season. They are known blackouts at times in extreme weather large cities like New York, Los Angeles, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Paris, among other cases of public knowledge.
This leads to a race of states to create more and more power plants, lay thousands of miles of pipelines, building ever-larger ships for the transport of energy in various forms. With the climate change scenarios states have re-schedule the construction of nuclear power if that resistance in society or environmental groups.


Fashion: Advance Or Response ?

Like art, fashion, responding to a latent need, or when there is an exceptional talent, anticipated the spirit of the upcoming season. In 1914, when war despite the finest women were wrapped in meters and more meters of lace with the seal of Worth, a strange hat designer, Coco Chanel, designed a new woman, free of movement, with shorter skirts bags, clothes inspired by the sea, high-necked sweaters and fabrics that time were considered rustic: “le pauvre stile gent” seduced the world. World War II: when the predominant line was austere, almost military, with large shoulder pads and shoes with thick cork soles, Dior perceived need for luxury, refinement, and responds with its new look: very tight waists, long skirts and wide much satin and velvet shoes with large rhinestone buckles. It was a revolution, but a brilliant response. Today fashion reflects the confusion of our culture. The jean universalized and depersonalized in equal measure. And in the absence a line that defines the trend of the times, designers stale naive hippies mix with ethnic and proposals online shoes and camperones 1930 with leather shorts.

As a result, people do not seek personal prestige in a style: simply buying brand. It is possible that some yet unknown creator is already brewing a synthesis that defines the era. Meanwhile, those who admire the clean lines and bold color or design, were more interested in yellows and purples of Indian sari or the simplicity of Chinese clothing lines, closed at the collar with a clever pit side. Well, after all, Paris and Rome, and even the nostalgic of Woody Allen are already part of the past. And empires are the earliest emerging India and China.


The Labor Party

Shrek is an ogre who lives in a swamp. One day his home is invaded by fairy tale creatures who were put there by the evil Lord Farquaad Prince. Meet Donkey, a talking donkey, and together they decide to go to see Lord Farquaad to vacate his swamp. The prince said that they will do but only on one condition: to bring the princess Fiona, rescued from a burning castle surrounded by lava and guarded by a dragon. Shrek accepts the challenge and partly to the search for Burro princess. When you reach the castle, Donkey is responsible to distract the dragon, who was pretending to be fools in love. Shrek manages to rescue the princess and the dragon fled leaving sad. On the way home, Fiona and Shrek start a friendship. One night, Donkey go to see the princess, but finds a ogra, the confused with Shrek ogra but he confesses that Fiona is the spell that had since childhood. Talk a while, told him that only the kiss of true love would make it take the form of this, and referring to it says that no one could love a beast so repulsive. Shrek, who had only heard this, I thought she spoke of the disappointment and decided not to confess his love. The next morning, when Fiona greets Shrek, the sample was angry and indifferent, she asked about his reaction and he replied that he had heard ‘everything’ and that actually nobody could love a beast so ugly. Fiona, with that comment, it was very bad for the alleged rejection of Shrek. The ogre goes in search of the prince to deliver the princess, not because he wants to see more. She met Lord Farquaad and surprises of his short stature and arrogant attitude. Shrek the writings of his recovery to return to swamp and live alone Fiona, Shrek resent tells the prince to be married later that same afternoon. Returns to his swamp, Shrek, Donkey and he says it still can not let that take away from a Fiona, who must fight for his love, replied that she did not want, this is considered a horrible beast, but he said that Donkey is not that of those who were speaking, but her. Shrek realizes the misunderstanding and decided to go for Fiona. Burro unexpectedly called to the dragon and fly to the church where the wedding was celebrated. Upon arriving, Shrek interrupts and explains everything, no matter the mockery of the people, they are given the kiss of true love was thus transformed into Fiona ogra forever. At the end is seen as a party in a carriage, and ends comically saying ‘ugly and they lived forever. “


Consumer Because

Synthesis on the History of the Right of the Consumer Because of the capitalist model where the developing countries live is that the consumer suffers from mazelas inherent of this model, demanding of the responsible agencies more attention. The first consumeristas movements that if notice has had originated in U.S.A., in the end of century XIX. In 1872 it was edited so known law Sherman, created with purpose to restrain the frauds practised in the commerce, beyond forbidding to the combination of price and the monopoly. In 1891, the first agency appears of defense of the consumer, on to the movement of the workers. Years later it was created from the meeting enters the states of New York, Boston and Chicado, an organism that stimulated the purchase of products manufactured for companies who respected the ideal to guarantee the sustainable consumption in the entire world, through acquisition products that respect the environment. In 1906, Upton Sinclair wrote ' ' selva' ' the repercussions of this workmanship ahead took to the edition of the Pure Food and Drug ACT of the negative repercussions of the author in relation to the process of production of those foods.

Years later the Met Inspect ACT created in order to inspect and to control the meat commercialization. PFDA appears em1927 with ' ' campaign of prova' ' with the objective to compare products, being guided the consumers to consume conscientiously, the rational use of the money. Three years later the PFDA would give origin to the considered FDA the most respected autarchy in what it says respect to the control of foodstuffs and medicines. In 1936 the biggest agency of protection of the consumer of the world was created. Amongst its attributions it was to publish reviewed and material didactic for the orientation of the consumers. In 15 of March de1962 amensagem of president Kennedy to the American congress ' ' consumers we are all ns' ' , that is, the consumers would be the biggest group of the economy, affecting and being affected for almost all the economic decisions, and listed a series of basic rights as right the health, security, information, to the choice and to be heard.

After 2 world-wide war, aiming at the reconstruction of the Europe, provided to the creation of diverse organisms with sights to the protection and defense of the consumer in the Europe and other countries. In 1960, the countries members of the OECE with the adhesion of U.S.A. and Canada, had widened the performance field and Paris also adhered and the OECE if it still extinguished and it instituted the OCDE and bred the IOCU. Em1971, aproteo of the consumer, in Sweden starts to count on the Court of Consumption, whose model later would be followed by the Norway, Denmark and Finlndia. The experiences in the field of the protection of the consumer had taken the ONU to establish in 1985 the beginning of the vulnerability of the consumer recognizing it as weakker part in the relation of consumption, becoming it deserving of specific legal guardianship. Example that Brazil took for base to create the right of the consumer who if apia in the CF/88 Art. 5 XXXII. As for the CDC/90, consisting of microssistema tied with the rules constitutional, that it believes to have elencado the facts most excellent to supply a general panorama on the right of the consumer, right this pertaining one to the society.


Policy And Regulation

The Direccion General de Electricidad (DGE), Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), is in charge of setting policies and regulations for electricity and to grant concessions. the new york state has benefited from the obvious choice for your energy needs It is also responsible for developing plans for expansion of generation and transmission, and must adopt appropriate gas procedures for operating the electrical heating system .
The Agency Supervisor of investment in energy and mining gas (OSINERGMIN), created in 1996 green energy as OSINERG (mining skills were added in January 2007), in New York City charge of the Electric Concessions energy Law (LCE) in 1992 and to household ensure energy costs electric utility. In addition, OSINERG is the agency responsible for enforcing the tax liability of the New York licensee as provided by law and regulation. Finally, it is responsible for monitoring the fulfillment of the functions of the Committee of Economic Operation System (COES) and every six months to determine the percentage of involvement of companies in the market .
In 2000, OSINERG merged with the Committee on Electric Rates (CTE), now known as Deputy Manager of tariff regulation (GART). there is so much more to your energy needs as supplied by offering natural gas Together they are responsible for setting the charges for generation, transmission and distribution and the adjustment of tariff for end consumers. They also determine the rates of transmission and distribution NY State gas pipeline .
In the case of rural electrification, the General Directorate of Rural Electrification (DGER) is in charge of the for Rural Electrification (PNER), which fits the pattern of policies established by the Ministry of Energy and Mines. The DGER in charge of the implementation and coordination of projects in rural areas and regions of extreme poverty .
Finally, the natural gas National I


New York

Gym & friends another rich source in possible friends is the gym, a very complex world, a parallel universe, a planet full of kindness, glances, smiles and nice t-shirts. Do sounds interesting, no? If until now have never gone to a gym probably I get the ideal time to do it. Don’t worry about not knowing how to train yourself, the monitor will make you a table of exercises and also teach you how to make them. As you can see, this problem is now resolved. After become a member of this new world, you’ll discover a very interesting variety of people.

Don’t be shy / a, returns the smiles, if someone offers will help you with your homework, accepts the happy to help / to because it is a great opportunity to engage in a conversation and Exchange phone numbers. Buy some shirts with fun, this message form will have guaranteed success. MI t-shirt is cool rather than yours “. Do you like it? On the internet you will find thousands of t-shirts with such messages. In your process of making new friends also you start to see you better because, as we all know, the sport has many benefits. Among other things, physical activity helps us to maintain good health, weight control, increased flexibility or improve self-esteem. It calls for a cocktail You get bored at home and who do not have exit? Salt with yourself. This method represents another very interesting way of making new friends.

How? Get something nice, but not very sophisticated for not risking to seem inaccessible, and salt to the bar that more you like or find one that pleases you. Take a seat at the bar and asks a colored and cheerful cocktail. Shows willingness and pays attention, discreetly, to what happens to the your around because a possible future friend can be very close to you. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with the person sitting to your left, or any like have a small conversation while taste, for example, coffee. You can make a comment about the weather or other everyday aspect of life. Don’t forget that simplicity is sometimes the basis of a nice start. In the world there are many people who are confronted with the loneliness that seems to have become a pandemic in big cities. From Madrid to London via Milan, Tokyo or New York, there are increasingly more people who suffer from this overwhelming sense of spiritual emptiness. In the majority of cases the shyness and fear of rejection prevent us socialize and get out of this situation, but we always have to remember that many of our problems will find a solution with a little imagination, initiative and a smile.


Skis, Snowboards and Skates

Despite all the crises, the election, viruses and other global challenges of our modern society, more and more people are trying to keep his life interesting rich, sport, paying attention to nutrition. Not at all mountains zimushka winter that will delight us with the opportunity to relax on the ski slopes. This can be done both on the domestic resorts in the Carpathians and abroad in Slovakia, Poland and Romania. And of course this vacation will not joy without quality and convenience equipment. Purchase equipment (ski, snowboard, masks, sticks, ski, ski suits, hats, etc.) or to hire is often possible to ski on the kurorte.No if you want a little save and pick up equipment as suitable for you – should think about buying skis and other necessary equipment in advance. If your city is not stationary specialized shop you can Order any skiing equipment online store. With this order must be carefully explained to the seller all of his wishes, and also specify the return if the goods you will not want for some parameters.

Also advance should take care about the tour at a ski resort. Especially if you decide to meet there – Reservations are actually better in late summer, early fall. Because the vouchers with appropriate prices and excellent quality is already very difficult to find. The activities of the ski resorts is impossible without the use of various lifting ustroystv.Prestizh of a ski center depends largely on the quantity and quality it lifts their performance. Be sure to pay attention to it when choosing a resort. Downhill skiing is very traumatic. Before you enjoy all the charms of this sport – carefully listen to the instructor and always follow safety rules. I wish you an enjoyable, memorable winter vacation!


Drake Company

The parameters of this evaluation will vary for each organization, but the best practice is than the implied parts they have a discussion and they reach an agreement as far as the way to follow. 5 – To unite coaching, development of the talent and account of results. Before beginning any individual action of coaching, he is fundamental that the efforts are concentrated in aiming at the common objectives of the global strategy that it supposes the development of the talent in the company to maintain to all the parts implied in the suitable context. 6 – To maximize the impact in the company. This implies, essentially, to acquire data of each action of coaching, and to use the acquired experience to fortify future actions. The objective is to identify action opportunities that can be carried out to the benefit of the company at all the levels. Following the recommendations of DBM Spain, the companies can improve in which really it matters: results, strategic progress, credibility, productivity and effectiveness in the management of the talent.

The change of an individual approach in coaching to which it favors an integral vision must be seen like a evolution of the benefits that coaching offers to the companies. The Drake company Beam Morin (DBM), founded on New York in 1967, counts with more than 40 years of experience in human management of capital, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer its services in 24 languages, and have taken care of more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people at world-wide level. DBM Spain, with delegations in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, was created in 1982 with an equipment formed by professionals of different profiles that provide solutions to the people and to the organizations. This company bases its efforts on two lines of business: Outplacement and Transformation.


Fossil Energy

Main article: Global Warming
Fossil fuels can be used in solid form (carbon), liquid (oil) or gaseous (natural gas). Are collections of living organisms that lived millions of years ago and have been fossilized as coal or oil. In the case green energy of carbon forests are wetlands, and in the case of oil and natural natural gas gas of large masses of accumulated marine plankton in the sea. energy In both cases, the partially decomposed organic matter for lack of action of oxygen and temperature, pressure and certain forms of bacteria which were stored molecules with household high energy links. The energy used heating in the world is fossil fuels. gas If one considers what is at stake, it is extremely important to accurately measure the fossil fuel reserves on the planet. Distinguishes’ reserves identified ‘but are not exploited, and “probable reserves” that could be discovered with future technologies. According to calculations, gas the planet can provide power for 40 years (if only used oil) and more than 200 (if it still uses the carbon). There are alternatives currently under consideration: the cooking gas energy fissile “nuclear and non-renewable, renewable energy, hydrogen fuel cells electricity ESCO and nuclear fusion.
