
Psychoanalytic Austrian

Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 a.C), already said that the man is of course a social animal e, today, recognizes it to science as a biopsicossocial being, meaning that beyond a proper biology, the man is endowed with one psique takes that it to be, emotionally, that one that produces and suffers to an action or impression, and a social aspect therefore that he needs the other to live. According to Karl Marx, ‘ ‘ not it is the conscience of the man who determines it the being, but, in contrast, its social being that conscincia’ determines it; ‘. With everything this, if cannot leave of side the relevance of the familiar structure in the life of the individual. He is not to only generate and to leave to be born, but the emotional support, to follow the cognitivo development, to take care of to the necessities. This creature who comes to the world without ways of if to defend or if to keep, that had, for certain, in the strokes of the heart of the mother, in aconchego of the maternal uterus its safe port, if sees suddenly wet, dirty, with cold, hunger and pain. For Melanie Klein 1, all these changes is felt by the child as aggression and starts to have fear of the persecution of how much in such a way external an internal object.

She is what it calls Persecutory Anxiety, that will go to make it difficult the capacity of synthesis of the child, that is, it will not obtain to perceive the object in its inteireza, will always have the predominance of an only feeling. It will have the idea of that the object the mother takes care of to all its apelos. This is important because it goes to internally infundir in the child the self-sufficiency feeling, formador of a coesa and strong image of same itself. Little by little the mother ‘ ‘ sbia’ ‘ internalization of the castrador, according to Freud, will be able to lead to the masochism. Therefore, what it goes to mount one superego rigid or is not accurately the relationary quality. A relationship based on the respect, the love and the physicist-mental care goes to generate in the child a gratitude feeling that will hinder the destrutividade it ego. Returning to the notice on the Russian child, it is inevitable to think about its development. A girl of three years who did not learn to walk, to speak and that the proximity of strangers snarls A child who had dogs as essential images. He is allowed to ask: that type of adult will become?