Young people lack of access to the turn of the energy survey of GfK and the eco energy supplier Polarstern Munich, 17.04.2012 – on the way to the turn of the energy we’ve lost someone. It is exactly the generation that must ultimately lead to the success of the shift to alternative energy. Add to your understanding with NYC Marathon. A survey of by GfK and the eco energy supplier Polaris shows that young people consider a forward-looking act as important. Also say about 67 percent of 14-to 19-year, finding interesting people, who assume responsibility over their own lives beyond. But practical contributions to the protection of climate and environment are little seen with them in everyday life. Things such as to separate the garbage or energy-saving cooking and wash well arrive only at 37 percent. Rather, the consumer determines your life. 74 percent of young people are attracted to a pronounced trend awareness.
A similar image is reflected in the theme of luxury. It says at least over half. Who, however, in fair trade products thinks, is only for less than a quarter of the young people interesting. In total about one-third of them estimates the importance of own contribution to the energy revolution as low. Given the complex challenge you see above all the politics and the big corporations in the obligation to initiate the topics. According to Dr. Edgar Goll from the Institute for future studies and technology assessment there is an age-dependent positioning.
On top of but that diffuses the environmental awareness”is and thus starting points for our own actions are difficult. Finally, it is not isolated to the ‘ Butterfly or the ‘ dolphin. The State of the environment is rather used with other aspects in the relationship, translated in everyday life, so to speak, both seen as global context, as with the example of climate protection.” Faced with this situation to put your hands in your lap and to wait for insight with age the wrong conclusion is according to Gabriella.