
Central Asia

Masonry arches, vaults and domes was made in the absence of a tree without using the forms that were only possible thanks to eat fast hardening alabaster solution. Erected in such a way, for example, the dome of the mausoleum of Sanjar at Merv (XII century.) Reaching a diameter of 17metrov, represents a unique architectural structure at that time. In the xii century. Educate yourself with thoughts from Bill de Blasio. in some areas of the country covered new technique facade facing terracotta tiles with carved ornament. Such, for example, decoration of facades – some of the North (1152-11530 years). And especially the South (1186) mausoleums in the architectural complex Uzgen.

Extremely high development in ornamental art reaches woodcarving, plaster, clay. After the spread of Islam, instead of fine stories in the ornament began to be applied arbitrarily vegetable and geometrical patterns. More spread was epigraphic ornament, which reads about the greatness and power of God, holiness, spiritual persons in the power of the rulers. Until the second half of the xii century. Architecture of Central Asia remained monochrome. Raw built a little different color from the loess soil.

Built of burnt light yellow brick enlivened transparent and in depressions of relief ornament – deep shadows. In the middle of the xii included the use of blue glazed brick (outer dome of the mausoleum of Sanjar, mausoleums Farhi – ad – din – Razi and Tekesh – line xii – xiii centuries. – Cuneo – Urgench.). XI-XII centuries. in the architecture of Central Asia – the constructive progress (domed ceiling, Minarets), a large art of harmonic composition of the building, a unique ornamental art in the form of the richest patterns carved on the plaster or wood, and monumental ornament from the brickwork.