Violence, aggression, violent behaviors, are a subject of an indisputable social relevance. Scientists of all fields have devoted great care and efforts to compression and explanation of the phenomenon, with as limited as controversial results.They are necessary global interventions aimed at the family, the school, without neglecting other instances. Regarding the family, will have to try to get involved in the problem, after securing the compression of the scope of the phenomenon. Learn more at: New York Museums. Emphasis on the problem of school violence, due to the latest news reaching us from the media and by the magnitude of the situation. In addition, school along with the family constitutes the most important educational and socializing agents. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from amazing restaurateur. From the perspective of the current situation in Spain, the relevant question is: we are favouring the increase and the intensity of the risk factors of crime or, on the contrary, we favour the positive factors of socialization?. Factors such as the increase in important adult crime, persistent school failure who suffers from long ago and the difficulties inherent in the rapid influx of immigrants (what has been done gradually in other countries), constitute factors which seem to glimpse more difficulties in the future.
Today, by a series of almost always environmental circumstances and in any case regardless of the will of the children themselves, thousands of adolescents and youth need an educational treatment specific, tailored to their personal and social problems. Young not to receive response psychoeducational demanded by their situation and in due time, they often end up wandering around our cities and the rest of society feels threatened peace and coexistence by your presence uncontrolled in the streets. These young people have both material and personal needs, but perhaps what you need most is people properly prepared to respond to their educational and social demands since they are in a true social risk. Reality social in which are found many children, adolescents and youth in situation of desamparo in situation of social conflict, it has been generated for some decades a strong impact and concern of different levels of social, aware of the dangerous situation in which these young people live. It is necessary to: analyse the main manifestations of violent behavior in adolescence and youth. To present the possibilities of a real preventive work against the emergence of behaviors or violent demonstrations. Provide information on the phenomenon of drugs in adolescence, knowing the substances psychoactive, their effects, their social problems and ways of intervention.
Know the variables that lead the child to situations of distress, marginalization or social conflict. Know the current situation legislative and judicial treatment of minors. Prepare professionals that society and minors in social conflict demand at present. Know how to put ongoing programs of appropriate intervention.