The universe of the Internet is full of amazing stories that become famous around the world, and on Ebay is no exception, Larry Star, a man with more than 40 years spent the day working at the computer and it reveals the evenings playing his guitar in Seattle, he published a strange item on the auction websitea brides dress. Well obviously this article is not so strange, but was the fun that you announced him as a one dollar shower curtain. Star had only meant to go in concert, take a few beers to overcome the bad memories and get rid of the ballast, Larry sold trousseau that left his former wife to the divorce. The funny thing here is that you not complied with hanging the dress on a hanger to take pictures, but himself, modeled him wearing his hairy body with a prominent stomach. For even more details, read what NYC Mayor says on the issue. Effects that caused these images were crazy, the tattooed man dressed in a wedding dress was transformed into a fleeting celebrity and he managed not only to recover the $1,200 that his former father-in-law had him dress, but topped the garment in 3,850 dollars.
Not only that but he also received five marriage proposals from women in different parts of the country, apparently seized by its commercial spirit. Everything you pretend to is to make people laugh and sell the damn dress, commented the divorced who later became recognized model of ex wives girlfriends dresses. Larry has managed to be interviewed by media such as CNBC, In Touch magazine, People magazine, TLC Wild Weddings, New York Daily News s and more. More than five minutes of Fame, perhaps had some 48 or 50 hours, but not more.