
Markus Euler

The real success factors are: empathy and intuition, so the Ability to move into the world of customers and the sense of their wishes and needs, fears and concerns. In the fourth chapter, Euler describes what settings and beliefs top seller distinguish. He also explains why vendors the customer orientation is always somewhat stronger than the sales orientation should be pronounced at least if their goal is: I want to make the customers so satisfied that he buys back at me and talks positively about me. After this rather basic chapters, Euler deals with the Central success factors”in the sale. The first is: entering the world of customers. Euler describes how this goes: due to honest interest and questions that enable customers and induce him to articulate his wishes and needs.

Because the seller, this opens up the opportunity to respond to this adequately. Let the customers buy”, is also the title of the following chapter. In it, Euler, inter alia describes why Seller really should enjoy every objection. For this, the customer gives the seller more info about what is important to him. “So open objections the opportunity to tailor its offerings to customers, says this at the end of the meeting itself the seller: I want to have that.” Euler in chapter seven is a kind of Declaration of love for the phone as a marketing and sales tool.

Because this is the fastest and most direct way to make personal contact with potential clients for him. Why so go detours? The author but points out that Telefonakquise applies to just that: on the ground, but the class of the conversations it doesn’t. A professional interview preparation is important. This includes also the search according to specific occasions, there justifying from customer point of view, that the seller unsolicited calls on him making the cold calls at least a Lauwarmakquise. The book back to basic sell today, it may be as simple his”by Markus Euler 24.80 Euro costs (BusinessVillage, Gottingen, 2010;) ISBN; 987-3-86980-048-6).