It fishes it is an activity human being whose its existence comes of the primrdios. It is part of the reproduction human being since whom the man started if to feed of animals beyond fruits. However he is in these two I finish centuries fish that it have been organized of different form. In Brazil little she has yourself in literature regarding the organization of fishes as economic activity beyond the elaborated laws, of decrees made for the Senate and president, for the president’s messages evidencing such development and reports of agencies as the SUDEPE. In the literature that it tells the development of fishes, contained especially in the reports of the Supervision of the Development of fishes that, it only comes the public in the Sixties, before this only we can basing in them on the laws, decree and president’s message forming nuclei fishing boats and in the ideas of the government in defending the national interests before the great international fleets as of Japan, England, Holland, among others.
One of first the great acts of the Brazilian monarchy how much to the activity fishing, where it consists in literature, they date of century XIX, in the year of 1846, where law 447 is promulgated that it separates the Brazilian fishing for districts of fishes, demanding registers it of the fishing and boats in the port administrations, passing to the navy all the administrative part of the exerted fishing activity in domestic territory, organizing it and determining obrigatoriedades. It fishes it if constitua of form disarticulated of the centers, it enters the diverse colonies spread for Brazil, and rudimentary in relation to the countries as England, Holland and Japan. After some years in the estruturao of this activity, whose joint if it propagated during century XXIII and beginning of century XIX, the government of Cautious of moral, in 1897, through law 478, brought tona the interest of the oligarchies for the total nationalization of fishes.