This desire, this is really God’s desire, desire that we tend to the Father, but to give it a name, it must be someone who sends. How believe if no one teaches? Gradually it becomes a personal experience, often through the mediation of someone who will be a bit like the visibility of the look of love that God has on us. GM in this area, the floor is very important. But the word of that? A. Basically, it is the word of God who calls us to join him. She became incarnate in Christ and is transmitted by human intermediaries.
Then it will give access to the Bible, the Gospels, the book, but it is not primarily a book. In this book, there are words that will give us an objective look at what God expects of us, what it offers us the help he wants to bring us. This is very important, the passage of the psychological experience of self – where each has its own history and can not share it – what is spiritual is to say something that is universal, that is understandable by all, we can share with others. This passage may be, along with a path to the discovery of the Father, to the discovery of Christ, a liberation of self, a sort of healing, one out of oneself: one begins to experience the otherness of another way. GM Since the beginning of this interview, we talk about the injury, injury to humans.