
City Hall

You need to be addressed promptly. What material for the operation of the ice rink must still be ordered? Is now the design planning and allocation of tasks? How are you Negotiations with the 25 sponsors who place their advertising on the gangs? Some of the partners are a loyalty over ten years since the beginning of this. Two major sponsors, companies in the energy sector, want to do an event in the event and set up their Christmas celebrations there with customers and employees. Additional challenges for the trainees. The young men must make including cost and personnel planning, worry about things like insulating sheets, and grinding to polishing the ice skate runners who offered to loan. Create service plans, learn first aid measures for accidents and consider all measures from a commercial perspective. Preparations as planned? Or is the team behind? It becomes clear quickly that the team exceptionally on Zack’s. This includes informing a specially written, always updated ice age guide on all important aspects of the project.

In a picture library with instructions and tips on dealing with issues such as subcontractors, Ticket handling, advertising/public relations, advertising and promotions, school classes, ice disco and Christmas events. So you can be reassured the pending tasks. The preparation time and the construction phase are become shorter in recent years”reports project leader Kai Ahlborn. The only 26 year old event Professional with the gegeelten hair is already pretty much cleared out. No wonder he has however already well over 150 events planned and realized. Because there are many other events to, the time and logistics are required just as effectively as possible”, he says. About 60 events in the Lokhalle are per year, over 100 it were declared City Hall in the Gottingen, Nina, who is employed in the urban economy promotion MLA like everyone here, which operates the event management of both halls and educates also professionals for event technology in addition to the merchants.