The specialists for your health the medical supply center list bow GmbH is located in the Centre-East In Leipzig City Centre. A team of specialists and the Central Administration, promises an optimal patient care.(). The Medical Center Leipzig is a modern concept of medical care. A team of medical specialists and support staff, takes care of the care of patients. The entire organization and administration assumes a central point, so that the doctors can concentrate entirely on the optimal treatment of patients. The concept of the medical supply Centre (MVZ) was developed on the search for optimal solutions for needs-based and qualitative health care. The patient orientation is clearly in the foreground. Doctors should must again have more time for their patients and care less about the practice management.
Numerous continuing education programs for doctors ensure that patients can be always supplied with the optimal methods of treatment. Through the cooperation of different disciplines, also guarantees quick and effective treatment of patients. Exactly these advantages of the concept implemented in the Medical Center Leipzig. Here doctors of different disciplines work closely together and can concentrate on the treatment of patients. Mr Dr.
med. Dirk Oehler sees advantages for physicians and patients in the model of the medical specialist centre: the medical work is significantly facilitated by the partial relief of bureaucratic work “.” Also Dr Med. Karin Weller, specialist in ophthalmology in the Medical Center Leipzig, welcomes the concept: the House makes it easy for us doctors to be as diverse training opportunities exist and can be used on the latest state of knowledge “.” The patient profits from a particularly effective treatment on high medical level. Quality, patient orientation and short waiting times are ensured by the concept of the medical supply center list arch.