
Brazilian Academy

As the 1911 reform was not established in Brazil, the Portuguese written in Brazil differentiated very of the writing in Portugal. That is, the two countries had been with two distinct ortografias, one remodelled and the other most archaic one. SOME OCCURED ALTERATIONS IN the REFORMATION ORTOGRFICA OF 1911 1.Eliminao of all the dgrafos of origin Greek with substitution for simple graphemes: (substituted for t), ph (substituted for f), ch (with value of k, substituted for c or qu in accordance with the context) and rh (substituted for r or rr in agreement th with the context); 2.Eliminao of y (substituted for i); 3.Reduo of the folded consonants (or geminadas) singelas, with medial exception of rr and ss of Latin origin, that have specific values in Portuguese; 4.Eliminao of some ' ' consonants mudas' ' in end of graphical syllable, when they do not influam in the pronunciation of the vowel preceded who them; 5.Introduo of numerous graphical acentuao, nominated in the proparoxtonas words. OF the REFORMATION OF 1911 TO the 1990 AGREEMENT As already mentioned previously, the changes of the 1911 reform had not been extended for the Brazilian variant. In such a way the differences between the Brazilian writing that of the lusitano point of view were old and the Portuguese that had been remodelled were accented. However, in 1915 hovuve a tentaiva to approach the two writings by means of a resolution that finishes being annulled in 1919. Until in 1924 it had a new approach enters the Academy of Science of Lisbon and the Brazilian Academy of Letters and had started to study the creation of a common orthography. Brazilian academy of Letters presents a new graphical system in 1929. In 1931 it was arrived the first ortogrfico agreement between Brazil and Portugal adopting the 1911 bases. Then, it started the efforts to create a common orthography between the Brazilian variant and the lusitana.