
Gift Fragrance

And indeed, millions will be happy lakomok a tasty gift. Perhaps the most trivial box of chocolates. But still better to ask for, find and buy the original delicious gift loved the guy that will delight and arrange for someone close to you. In addition to cakes with exotic fruits and flowers, which are too colorful, but not necessarily tasty, take a look at the chocolate. A large number of species of this incomparable delicacy You can easily buy.

Chocolate piano – for those whose life involved with music, chocolate shaxmaty – the intellectuals, and the composition of colors shokoladnyx replace just two gifts. We are all a little bit of childhood, and chocolate as returns for a second ago. Choose Fragrance – is not easy. Some believe that giving their shameful. At this point you can push the boundaries of decency, if the smell will be like, then it will still be cause positive emotions, but this is not always happens. Women choose fragrance of your choice, and that even more dangerous to taste the seller, of course forbidden.

After all, every woman strives to be an individual, even in this. All the same perfume can give, you must pick up the smell or peek at the name of the owner. Men are not less pereborchivye, so women's better to be circumspect in the choice of flavor for your favorite guy. However, I must say that chocolates, flowers, duxi become a tradition, almost stereotyped gifts. And it is not easy to come up, find the latest gift ideas to delight your favorite and get to the point and surprise, a drop shock that it was something to remember. All this is not the exclusivity and not in material cost, and to have his girlfriend's eyes lit up with joy. Now, congratulations with the Internet no one was surprised. Who has not received a postcard from e-mail? Nonetheless, publicly congratulated by online diary (blog) still occupies the first stage of eccentricity. In order to congratulate this way, you must first start a web blog that would be cartoons, photos, images use for recognition of the beloved.


Lage Park

Lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas – another wonder of this city. We had that to drink a toast per the day, the victory, tired, exactly happy. Ah, the track Lage Park? Corcovado (in the specific case is written same with ‘ ‘ g’ ‘), already I covered it as many times. I remember that it was the second heavy track that my beloved S.M.B made with me, so pretty it and has led as a small bird and fort as a tigresa. In a question-answer forum Restaurateur was the first to reply. In the day where it was my friend E.B, great master, also was. Currently when S.M.B go I it to take waterfall bath later we go to lunch in the Severina. Each cited place can be gone some times, therefore each time is as if she was the first one.

It is not a mere repetition. Learn more at: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The sensations are new, always have the well-being sensation, however. Nirvana is reached. Serious! I am not making irony with something so serious. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is open to suggestions. I ask for please that also it has not led for religious connotation. Rock of the Topsail, as to describe what we feel when arriving there? The proper act to cover these tracks already is something that in the strap of the mesquinhez of the life, the contact with all the nature to our redor leaves in them light, has a fatigue. What? Fatigue? Everything is flowers in our lives at such moments. Friends E.M and L.T.D., the last time who we were to the Pretty Rock, hem! Inesquecvel. We were in a group of more people who at the moment I do not remember the names. Yes, in the day where he stows there for the last time, all we float – always soil is felt beyond, when we are there – the human birds we had caught in them and some flights we made in that so pretty day.


Western Siberia

Hemlock. Two-year glabrous, herbaceous plant with thick white spindly roots and erect stem bluish up to 200 cm, which is covered with purple spots. In the first year of life, above-ground part has only bunch of basal leaves. In the second year grows tall naked stem. The leaves are large (Z0-60 cm), glabrous, triangular, with long segments. Hemlock can be easily discerned by the unpleasant (a mouse) the smell of the leaves. Plant spread throughout the European part of Russia, just an opportunity to clean the pads on the equipment for cleaning pillows, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia, Ukraine.

It grows like weeds in landfills, along roads, among the bushes on the banks of rivers. Hemlock – a very dangerous poisonous plant. Toxic substances are found in all plant organs, especially numerous in immature seed. Fruits contain up to 2% of alkaloids, of which the main are koniin, metilkoniin, kongidrin, psevdokongidrin. The highest toxicity is different koniin. In the leaves of hemlock alkaloids are found (0.1%), essential oil and caffeic acid, quercetin isolated from the flowers and kaempferol. Need cleaning pads.

Hemlock poisoning is most often due to incorrect use of its roots in the food instead of parsley, parsnips, etc. It is accompanied by several characteristic features: central nervous system depression, salivation, a decrease in temperature, enhanced the release of sweat, zhguchestyu in the mouth, vomiting, dilated pupils, weak, and weakening pulse, difficulty breathing, paralysis, which starts with the feet. Death occurs in 30-60 minutes, sometimes after 2 hours from respiratory paralysis, with full consciousness. To assist the victim to give him laxatives. Unsafe hemlock and animals – horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. Symptoms of poisoning vary in different animals, but during the restoration of almost all of paralysis of the nervous system. Hemlock – drug plant. Preparations made from it is used as a painkiller, in the treatment of epilepsy, tetanus and other diseases.


Brazil Flowers

Another interesting option is to know, in the center of the city, the conserved old constructions that had belonged the illustrious and ancestral people of Carnaba, as the house of Jose Martins, where it was born the famous composer and poet Jose de Souza Dantas. In the urban part of the city, a pedestal of rude rock, sculptured the hand still exists, with the bust of Z Dantas. In the artesanato, the city makes use of works made with adobe, leather, croch, tric and flandre. In the cultural manifestations the inherited musical tradition of the first inhabitants of the city has as characteristic marcante. They are still distinguished the money market, cavalhada and of caboclinho. The city still possesss the Municipal Company of Otaclio Dance Gomes Da Silva, who always presents itself showing the folclricas dances of the region.

The main parties of the city are the Party of the Poet Z Dantas, in the September end; the Party of Saint Antonio, padroeiro, carried through in 13 of June; the Party of the Emancipation Politics, in 30 of December; the Party of the Boy Jesus de Praga, in 25 of December; the Party of Luzia Saint, in 13 of December. During the January month, Carnaba hosts the call Meeting of the Artists. With elapsing of the times and the streets planned for the inspector of Flowers they had been forming arruamento in place of baroque. To twenty and nine of June of 1823, Carnaba is raised to the category of Village with the name of Carnaba de Flores, with the progress conquered the emancipation, through the state law n 1018 of 30 of December of 1953. Today Carnaba counts on the Emater – FOOT, agency of the Bank of Brazil, Post offices, Schools, Churches, Union, Stadium of Soccer Side River, Cultural Space (Museum), Squares Porting and Hospital. In referring administrative division to the year of 1911, the district of Carnaba, appears in the city of Flowers. In the pictures of the General Census of 1920, figure in the city of Flowers the district with the denomination of Carnaba of the former-Carnaba.Em Flowers referring administrative division to the year of 1933, comes back to appear the district of Carnaba, thus remaining in territorial division of 1953. Raised to the category of city with the denomination of Carnaba, for the state law n 1018, of 29-12-1953, desmembrado of Flowers.