
The Ideologies

It restores one another landscape that if overlaps to the landscape of our quotidiano, but it is not broken up of it, because it emerges of its subjects. The reading ' ' badly feita' ' of this fantastic landscape it is that it answers for our gaps generating shades and fomenting the ideologies that alienate in them of the Real. (p.67). Soon, literature when inquietar the man takes off it of the alienation imposed for the society and at the same time it occupies its space as it practises cultural, placing itself not only as object of knowledge, but of questionings. Harold Ford has plenty of information regarding this issue. From there that in the critical reading of the literary text is had it the text of the world, the history of all we, therefore the criticidade is the way so that the man reach its citizenship, from there the responsibility of a society that dominates the reading and the writing to have for obligation to politically extend and to guarantee the domain of such activities to all its citizens, through education and of the school, is for the school and the education that we form critical readers, individuals with belonging, multiple looks capable to tread for the diversity. Permanently it has a relation game enters the three elements cited for Cndido, the public who of the direction and reality the workmanship, this that reflect the images created for the author and in this movement the registration of the language is cravada as felt art that recria creates and, propitiating magic and encantamento inside of the plurality and cultural diversity that in are transmitted by literature.

Of this form, the representation of the cultural identity of a people is visible in the work of art, is of this visibility that appears the question of the imaginary one, conscience act as way to perceive the world that circulates in them. From there the importance of literature in such a way is as inside of the classroom, therefore it brings for the language, however of explicit, however implicit form the colors of each society, expressing its culture, its conflicts, its traces, its history, at last as the hinterland in each one of us said Rose. But so that everything this if becomes reality is necessary the envolvement as already we said of the school and the society. speaking in school and literature, subject that will be boarded later, is important to place here before initiating, the four basic premises pointed by UNESCO as structural axles of the education contemporary: to learn to be; to learn to make; to learn to know and to learn to learn. These axles require as if it sees, comprometimento of that makes the education and of that withholds the power, each one assuming making as social task and politics. Therefore so that reading and writing they favor the citizenship is necessary the inclusion amongst other elements, of literature as text that keeping a dialogue with history opens ways man to learn it if to know, to learn if to see and mainly to see the other, therefore to learn to be