
Project Manager

In addition, most communication on the project need to think through, ie you need to plan their most optimal manner and to perform in accordance with the plan. Even such a simple action as meetings and meetings require careful preparation, however, about this in another article (2). In addition to the iterative processes of management communications and preparation of action, you should pay attention to variety of forms of communication and communication skills. For example, forms of communication may include internal communications, formal, written, formal and other communications. Also, for literate communication project manager must have communications skills, such as listening skills, ability to negotiate and convince, and this is just examples of many similar skills. Lots and lots of time and aggravation spent on administration conflicts. Project Manager, who on statistics up to 70% of time to communications during the project, we have a lot to communicate with different people. For assistance, try visiting NY museums . Each of them has any interest in the project or work on project, often the interests of different people are opposed to each other.

And the project manager must balance these interests in the project. Also worth note that the project manager must iron patience, because namely he has to adjust to the other. It is the project manager selects the most convenient ways of communication for others and not for themselves. What happens if you do not perform all these actions are necessary to effective management of communication? For example, if you do not make and does not update the register of interested parties, we can forget to send anyone of them important information. Imagine what would happen if you forget the development of a prototype of an erp system the existence of accounting, or about the fact that they too can present their claims to the system. Of course, you risk getting the system does not meet the requirements of accounting. And if you do not plan on communication on the project, it may not send important information for those who need it. For example, you do not provide state regulator equipment specification, which must be approved by him, which will necessarily lead, at best, to fines, in the worst crash of the project.

You can not manage expectations of stakeholders of the project, but it is in the best case lead to the surprise from the customer at demonstrating to him the results. At worst – full do not match expectations, the actual results of the project and, accordingly, to declare the project a failure. Finally, if the project does not used statements about the project, neither you nor any other interested persons will not be able to restore the course of the project and learn from it lessons learned. Also, the risk of misunderstanding stakeholders project manager. As can be seen from the above examples, the domain of knowledge management communication is very important to the success of the project, although it is difficult. Remember her and to adequately assess the impact of communications on the project – a mandatory, though not sufficient condition for project success. Successful your projects.