
Porto Alegre

The esquenta colloquy between them, but dumb Mrio all the outcome of the situation when firming its I buy misso of father. Silence takes account, then the mother of calms them to Diana in a way, that arrives to be alliviated. The father in the same way reacts Well to the all situation. in the end everything finishes very well. Soon later Deisiane it was to have a serious colloquy with Natan, it was not very similar to talk.

Immediately afterwards Juliana, very aggressive arrived, was difficult to speak with it. After much colloquy, the boy started to understand, with much shame it asks for to excuse the Juliana already thinks about making the pazes with Marcelo. Meanwhile it kills the homesicknesses of its parents Vera Lcia fi- very contents here with the visit of the son. Eraldo already this well better it had caught a pneumonia due when taking bath and to have caught cold. The hours pass Dionatan took bath, to go to the game when it started to remember its past, when abasurdo had 5 years was played in a deep swimming pool therefore acquired this fear of water. Some hours later, the game was a wonder finished impatado Desiane was super happy.

But soon later it did not have as to run away it was to talk with Renato regarding the kiss. It left clearly that what hears was a great error, and that it will not have to occur of new. It also affirms that it loves Gustavo, and that not this made use to finish with the love of it. Renato is perplexed, but it leaves clearly that it does not go to be gotten depressed therefore. Diana started to feel pains of the childbirth, Mrio calls a taxi and takes it urgently stops the hospital. Two hours later are born a pretty girl. Three days if pass, Dionatan and Joana estam glad and it very this losing finally the fear of the water. Marcelo came back the Porto Alegre, to follow studying, still lacks Very for it if to form. If it surprises when seeing made use Natan to make the Pazes. thus it starts to namorar with Juliana. Desiane is asked for in engagement, it did not have words to describe so great happiness. This everything very well the glad parents of Diana for the granddaughter. Renato did not learn nothing continues killing the lessons of the college to go in the ballads, nor always the people really learn with Its errors. In this way it does not deceive its parents, but to proper itself. The problems cannot hindering in them to live, they are part of our trajectory, are true teachings that we always take pra! A Workmanship of: ALAN VAZ PICTURES