– Time to explore through language what they have done and how they can describe the experience. – Promote opportunities to play in pairs, in small groups or individually with adults. – Partners of play spaces and play areas, play materials, play time and a game that is valued by those around them. Objectives of the Toy Library: Its objectives, functions and services shall be subject to the social system, education and culture of each community, although traditionally Ludotecas common aim the development of recreational activities from loan of toys and play materials. According to the British National Association of Toy Library, they should promote the principle of the importance of play for child development and act as a preventive service and support for families with young children, through the loan of appropriate toys for sharing the game home. The general objectives of the Toy Library we can consider: – Education in and for leisure – Encourage personal development.
– Make use activities that encourage playfulness, fun and creative leisure time. – Training in self-management of leisure time. – Recover space, the media and the right time to play. – Work those basic human values for living and individual and collective development. – Encourage children to participate in their community and the development of its own activities. – To promote the socialization of children and adolescents. – Provide an alternative socio leisure and recreation of the family. – Knowledge resources and put them into practice participants from a globalizing playful and without deterioration of the autonomous development of free play.