
Parts Of Society

The education of the aesthetic taste balances the individual obtains exactly it harmonizes and it with the society. The citizen must obtain its happiness through the exercise of the freedom. The freedom is subordinated to a basic condition: the education. The necessary man to educate themselves, to form intelligence, to be able to use the new freedoms efficiently.

The human beings we are creative of values as the truth, the beauty, justice and the ethical and aesthetic values are tied therefore are flowing of the same reality. The search of the balance can become in an aesthetic search as well as ethics. He is requisite to educate the aesthetic one to be able to educate the moral. The aesthetic one if becomes the pivot to support in harmonic way science, aesthetic and the moral. WORDS KEYS: education, ethics, aesthetic, citizenship. INTRODUCTION Many are the different theoretical and practical concepts of consecrated authors who if had dedicated to the study of the ethics and the aesthetic one. However, the objective of this text, is to explanar and to argue the importance of the ethical and aesthetic formation in the education, having the freireano thought as reference. It is excellent, among others, some reasons for the choice of the author, over all, the narrow coherence between theory and the practical one, its character militant humanist and, who has served for theoretical of practical academic works and inspired bedding in diverse parts of the world, contributing for its national and international recognition as one of the great thinkers of century XX. The ideas presented in this work are based on some of its workmanships, between which; Pedagogia of the Hope, Education in the City, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one and To the shade of this hose, thus contributing, for study of the objective conditions offered by the society the integral formation of the citizen.