
North America

Duch denounces the approach towards the export that leaves of side to the communities farmers of the South: Is sonrojante that where it is more passing hunger in the world is mainly in rural means. Immoral Bessis even goes further on and erases of and unjust to the western governments to develop from 80 years a neoliberalism of variable geometry that has imposed from the countries from the North to the countries of the South, rules of world-wide commerce without barriers nor tariffs, but for themselves has reserved protectionistic measures that falsify that free assumption market. Hablo of the unjust subsidys that the European countries and of North America grant to their cattle agricultural producers and so that they play with advantage in the world-wide market, assures the French investigator. As far as the production of agrocombustibles, Bessis affirms: Parece that we are speaking to feed the cars of rich with the food of the poor men . Bessis indicates the necessity to give world-wide a political turn that it decidedly sees in the problem of the hunger the great global challenge and him of answer.

the technical answer to supply foods to a population of 9,000 million people seems feasible. What is necessary is that it goes accompanied of the political will to modify the present inequality in the distribution of foods. Perhaps the present financial crisis it leaves a positive effect that leads towards that change of policies, affirms Bessis. Like part of the solution, Taibo indicates the urgent necessity of to reduce to the levels of present production and consumption in the developed countries, like first measurement to end the hunger. The failure of the proposal of the PNUD, that raised the possibility of burdening with a 4 percent the fortunes of the 250 richer human beings, and of this form remembers to secure 40,000 million annual dollars that to dedicate to the development of the poorest populations. The same happens with the Objectives of the Millenium, that in spite of being very modest, not even are going away to reach. As far as proposal of the PNUD, in 10 years 400,000 million dollars would have been collected.

They point other numbers, before 11-S were spent in the world 780 million annual dollars in military subjects; today the number will walk by the 1.3 trillions. They point another one, every year is spent in the world 1 trillion of dollars in publicity . The contributions of the academic ones in these days break the stereotype of other people’s an academic and university world the problems of the real world. Alberto Martin Journalist Original author and source of the article.