
New York Times

It sees map of Brazilian territory (without the Amaznia) in the ideological conception of the American interest? according to cited book. According to Reviewed Galileu (03/2004, p 26), the information of the related map is rumor, and that desmetido official American deserved until. According to reviewed, it is all lie. as to explain the attempt of internationalization throughout history (to see p 116)? As well as the notice tied in New York Times? The news article (of New York Times) affirms that the suggestion made for global leaders of whom the Amaznia is not exclusive patrimony of no country is causing concern in Brazil. To know more about this subject visit Danny Meyer. The periodical says that ' ' a choir of international leaders is declaring the Amaznia more openly as part of a very bigger patrimony of what only of the nations that divide its territrio' '.

The periodical cites American former-vice-president Al Gore, who in 1989 said that ' ' in contrast of what the Brazilians believe, the Amaznia is not property of them, it belongs all ns' '. ' ' These commentaries are not well-accepted here (in Brazil) ' ' , it says the periodical. ' ' By the way, they had relit old attitudes of territorial protectionism and comment of foreign invaders escondidos.' ' Source: Online leaf, 2008. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Danny Meyer. Front to the news article, sees what president Lula says: ' ' The owner of the Amaznia is the Brazilian people. They are the indians, the seringueiros, the fishing, but also, we are. We have conscience of that she is necessary to diminish the deforestation, the forest fires. But also we have conscience of that she is necessary to develop the Amaznia' ' , You wise person who 95% of the forest areas of the United States already had disappeared? It is not this that we want for the Amaznia. more: In ranking of the polluting countries, it is United States with 24,3% and Brazil with only 1.3%.