
German Authorities And The Technology

In Germany, there are address as well as hardly any personal conversations if you are looking for a number for an agency on the Internet comes as first an email. If you’re lucky, then is there a service number, but that was it then too. Well, we think, then I call just the number, but there it hangs then mostly Yes anyway over five minutes waiting in the wings and also the subsequent prompts are a band. Recently, I have just phoned with the Federal Agency for work and wanted to make a personal appointment. But as the answer came to me, that I me for once in the Internet would have to register somewhere. When I asked professional in formative second according to a conversation I was referred to on the Internet. There, I then took the test and came up with a result.

This was even partly on me, but I was already very disappointed I me the jobs hardly could look into. So I again called the hotline and was told again that there would be only this test and I as I said in the Internet should be and me would have to register as unemployed. When I mentioned that a friend got this without registration I was quickly stamped. It is exactly the same but even with our federal ministries. A friend of mine wanted to fly to Mallorca in the summer and I wanted to know what it would look like with the swine flu. I signed up in Berlin and got a phone number that whopping 3.50 the minute should cost me.

Since it is actually almost so as if it were our Government no matter how citizens from the holiday would come back. Not the sense of the thing you can’t be easy. Nevertheless I very hope that this would change in the near future, because only so can get more jobs. But well, we’ll see what the future brings! Desiree Sophie Lepell