
Brazilian Today

What she would be of history without literature? its preferred film? its novel? its theater? These works first need to be written and alone later transformed into another one type of art. If it was not literature, today we would be all atheists. For even more opinions, read materials from Bill de Blasio. Thanks to Bible, that is a set of literary compositions, today we have a religion. If it was not literature we desconheciamos the existence of the cities of Nnive, Babilnia, Troy and others. Some literary texts say of a called continent Atlantis. One day Archaeology can redescobriz it.

The Bible says in them of two cities: Sodoma and Gomorra that had been not yet found. How it is that we know of the uses and customs of the old peoples? Only through literature. 1.5. WHAT IT IS LITERATURE: It has some definitions for literature: ) It is the set of written workmanships of a people with aesthetic concerns; b) It is to know to use the language artistic, leaving to be transparent the beauty, the harmony and the proper style of each author; c) To artistic write a text and with beauty. Literature looks for to show the value of a people, its suffering, its yearnings, joys, the description of the country, its legends, crendices, traditions, etc. What the people of year 3 a thousand would think on the world of today? How it is that they would imagine our existence? We ate what? We spoke as? We walked naked? We made coconut in any place? It had murder, robberies, suicides, rapes? We were amiable with our brothers? The literature that to make today, will show they our reality. All the countries possess and had possessed a literature. Thus we have literature Greek, the Latin, the Italian, the Brazilian. Who, for example, already did not hear to speak in Romeu and Julieta, Snow White, Red Small hat, King dipo, the Three Mosqueteiros? We would not have nothing of this if it was not literature.